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 exit()                  Terminate Process after Cleanup

 #include   <process.h>                  Required for declarations only
 #include   <stdlib.h>                   Use either process.h or stdlib.h

 void       exit(status);
 int        status;                      Exit status

    exit() terminates the calling process and returns the low-byte of
    'status' (status & 0xFF) to the waiting parent process, if one
    exists.  Before termination, all functions registered with atexit()
    are called in a last-in, first-out order, all stream buffers are
    flushed, and all files are closed.

       Returns:     There is no return value; exit() does not return to
                    the calling process.  'status' is returned to the
                    parent process.  (The parent process is usually the
                    operating system.)

         Notes:     exit(0) is automatically called when main() exits.

                    Typically, the exit status is set to 0 to indicate a
                    normal exit, and to some other value to indicate an
                    error. This is not required, however.

                    _exit() has the same function as exit(), but _exit()
                    does not flush the stream buffers or execute
                    functions registered with atexit() before

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements set the exit status to 1 if more than one
    command line argument is passed.

           #include <stdio.h>     /* for 'printf' */
           #include <stdlib.h>    /* for 'exit' (also in <process.h>) */

           main(argc, argv)
           int argc;
           char *argv[];
               if (argc > 2) {
                  perror("no more than 1 command line parameter allowed\n");
              /* exit here with a status of 0 */

See Also: _exit() abort() exec...()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson